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CMI® Mortar Bond 330
CMI® Mortar Bond 330 is a ready to use, multipurpose latex emulsion polymer specially designed for use in a variety of building applications whether internally or externally. It is suitable for use at dry or wet areas to improve the physical and chemical properties of the mortar.

CMI® Latex Admix 350
CMI®Latex Admix 350 is a ready to use, water-based emulsion polymer specially formulated for use with CMI’s range of cement based tile adhesive and cements and screed or render. It is suitable for internal general area only. Mortar modified with CMI® Latex Admix 350 will have better physical and chemical properties.

CMI® Plaster Bonding Agent 370
CMI® Plaster Bonding Agent 370 is a specifically formulated latex emulsion for bonding of cement-based plaster onto smooth concrete surface. It Is blended with quartz sand to improve adhesion onto the substrate. CMI® Plaster Bonding Agent 370 is characterized by its good alkali and water resistance.

CMI® Mortar Admix 380
CMI® Mortar Admix 380 is a ready to use, multipurpose latex emulsion polymer specially designed for use with cement sand mortar, Nippon CMl®’s range of cement-based tile adhesive and cement-based coloured grouts to improve the physical and chemical properties of the mortar. It is a certified as low VOC paint / surface coating by Singapore Environment Council.

CMI® Alkali Resistant Fiberglass Mesh
CMI® Fiberglass Mesh is a ready-to-use, thin, strong yet flexible alkali resistant mesh for reinforcement of joints, corners, coves and hairline crack repair. It has a high resistance to tearing and stretching, protects the surface from cracking and improves its mechanical strength. In addition, it does not decompose and will not rush over time.