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CMI® Tile Bond 180
CMI® Tile Bond 180 Water-resistant cement-based tile adhesive for fixing ceramic glazed tiles for both floors and walls for internal applications. It can be used for external areas or fixing homogenous vitrified tiles, glass mosaic and natural stones when mixed with CMI® Mortar Admix 380.

CMI® TileFix 181
Water-resistant cement-based tile adhesive for fixing ceramic glazed tiles for both floors and walls for internal applications. It is classified as C1 in accordance to EN12004. It can be upgraded to high adhesion performance flexible cement-based tile adhesive when mixed with CMI® Mortar Admix 380, and be used for very large format tiles and exterior areas.

CMI® Tilecrete 182
CMI® Tilecrete 182 is an economical water-resistant polymer modified cement-based fine (unsanded) grout for pointing of tile joint for both floors and walls at internal and external area. It Is suitable for grouting joints up to 3 mm wide only and is available in only grey and white colors. It requires mixing with clean water only. However, it can also be used with CMI® Latex Admix 380, a liquid emulsion polymer to enhance its physical properties.

CMI® Rapixfix 183
CMI® Rapidfix 183 is a single component rapid setting tile adhesive for thick and thin bed installation of tiles for locations where tiled area needs to be put into service as quickly as possible. It is classified as C2FT in accordance to EN12004

CMI® Tilegrip 185
CMI® TileGrip 185 is an environmentally friendly, premium polymer-modified flexible cement-based tile adhesive for fixing ceramic glazed tiles, homogenous vitrified tiles and stones for both floors and walls for internal and external applications. It is available in Thin Medium (TM) for bed thickness below 6mm and Medium Thick (MT) grade for bed thickness 6mm. It is classified as C2TE in accordance to EN12004.

CMI® TileFlex 186
CMI® Tile Bond 180 Water-resistant cement-based tile adhesive for fixing ceramic glazed tiles for both floors and walls for internal applications. It can be used for external areas or fixing homogenous vitrified tiles, glass mosaic and natural stones when mixed with CMI® Mortar Admix 380.

CMI® Blockfix 187
CMI® Blockfix 187 is a water-resistant, cement-based thin-bed adhesive specially formulated for jointing/ bonding of AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete) or ALC (aerated lightweight concrete) blocks, panels and lintels. Its high adhesion and flexural strength ensure higher load carrying capacity thus minimizing the occurrence of cracking to walls or joint area in interior and exterior conditions.
• Block Jointing Adhesive for ALC and AAC blocks, suitable for both interior and exterior use.

CMI® MultiFix 188
CMI® Wallskim is a high-quality polymer modified water resistant cement-based skim coat (top coat) for finishing on internal wall and ceilings. CMI® Wallskim can be used on CMI® Base Mortar, concrete and rendered surfaces to give a high quality smooth and non-powdery surface, suitable to receive painting or wallpaper. It is certified with Singapore Green Label by Singapore Environment Council.