I’m looking for

CMI® Base Mortar 381
(Base Coat)
Good for surface improvement works to block wall and concrete wall surfaces. Available in white color and bond strength of 0.5 N/mm².

CMI® Base Mortar 781
(Base Coat)
Good for surface improvement works to block wall and concrete wall surfaces. Available in grey color and bond strength of 0.5 N/mm².

CMI® Base Mortar 381 SP (Base Coat)
Good for surface improvement works to block wall and concrete wall surfaces. Available in grey color and bond strength of 0.6 N/mm².

CMI® Base Mortar 781 SP (Base Coat)
Good for surface improvement works to block wall and concrete wall surfaces. Available in grey color and bond strength of 0.6 N/mm².

CMI® BlockSkim 782
(Base Coat)
Coarser based skim coat specially formulated with bond strength of 0.5 N/mm² for thicker build skim coating works onto hollow block wall, ALC block wall and coarse plastered wall.

CMI® Blockskim 782 SP (Base Coat)
Coarser based skim coat specially formulated with bond strength of 0.6 N/mm² for thicker build skim coating works onto hollow block wall, ALC block wall and coarse plastered wall.

CMI® Wallskim 281
(Top Coat)
CMI® Wallskim can be used on CMI® Base Mortar, concrete and rendered surfaces to give a high quality smooth and non-powdery surface. Available in white color with bond strength of 0.5 N/mm².

CMI® Wallskim 281 SP
(Top Coat)
CMI® Wallskim can be used on CMI® Base Mortar, concrete and rendered surfaces to give a high quality smooth and non-powdery surface. Available in white color with bond strength of 0.6 N/mm².

CMI® Wallskim 681
(Top Coat)
CMI® Wallskim can be used on CMI® Base Mortar, concrete and rendered surfaces to give a high quality smooth and non-powdery surface. Available in grey color with bond strength of 0.5 N/mm².

CMI® Wallskim 681 SP
(Top Coat)
CMI® Wallskim can be used on CMI® Base Mortar, concrete and rendered surfaces to give a high quality smooth and non-powdery surface. Available in grey color with bond strength of 0.6 N/mm².

CMI® Wallskim 681 PLUS
(Top Coat)
CMI® WallSkim can be used on CMI® BASE MORTAR, concrete and rendered surfaces to improve surface water absorption, to give a high quality smooth and non-powdery surface. Available in grey color with bond strength of 0.5 N/mm². Recommended for full compatibility for best anti-patchiness performance.

CMI® Base Mortar Grey EX981 (Top Coat)
CMI® Base Mortar Grey EX 981 is a high-quality polymer-modified hydrophobic cement-based skim coat (top coat) that specially formulated with excellent weatherability and durability for building envelope long lasting beauty. It is a coarser base mortar, suitable to be used for exterior cement-rendered brick wall, AAC block wall and concrete surfaces. It can also be used for surface improvement, patching and general repair work on uneven wall and ceiling areas at semi-exposed and exterior applications.

CMI® Joint Compound JC 3000
CMI® CMI® Joint Compound JC 3000 is a polymer dispersion based ready mixed joint compound that provides a smooth high-quality finishing for gypsum panels. It is used specifically for embedding paper tape and for filling, leveling and finishing over gypsum panel joints, fasteners, bead and trim. It can also be used as a general-purpose crack filer or simple texture decorative coating.

CMI® Wallskim 2781 (Top Coat)
CMI® Wallskim 2781 is a high-quality polymer modified water resistant cement-based skim coat (top coat) for finishing on concrete walls or ceilings.

CMI® SprayCrete 189
CMI® SprayCrete 189 is a polymer modified water-resistant cement-based textured coating that provides textured decorative and protective profiles, suitable for both interior and exterior walls.