Enhance the value of your property with our one-stop repainting service.
We’ll take care of you from pre, during and post painting process to ensure quality workmanship.
We believe in challenging the norm and strive for perfection to better serve our customers in all our endeavours as a Total Coating Solutions provider to best manage your property.
Tay Sze Tuck
General Manager, Paint Marketing Co.(M) Sdn. Bhd.
Ensuring the best workmanship for you in 5 steps.
Assuring quality throughout the entire journey.

- Site inspection is done to determine the right surface preparation methodology and proper coatings solution.
- Substrate moisture level testing at an acceptable range of 16% or below.
- Required instruments are installed.

During Repainting
- Inspection on surface preparation.
- Ensuring proper application methods.

Post Painting
- Quality inspection on colour consistency, peeling, sagging, wrinkling and opacity.
Why repaint?

Drives Higher Occupancy

Enhances Resale & Rental Value

Maintains a Positive Image

Cost-effective on Maintenance

Prolongs Life Span of Property

Improves Indoor Air Quality